French Malbec

Clos La Coutale and Bleu d’Auvergne

bleuAuvergneBleu d’Auvergne?!  Auvergne is a small region in the center of France producing a special cheese called “bleu” (blue) because of its blue “veins”. It looks a little like Roquefort.

Food expert and wine afficionada Taylor Eason recommended in her blog a wild pairing between Clos La Coutale and bleu d’Auvergne : “Being a big cheese, it will still have a broad flavor profile — you can taste herbs, grass and cave flavors.” Taylor recommends a 2007 Clos La Coutale to match the bold cheese. Try it if you have piece of “bleu” or “roquefort” around.

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French Malbec